Scionwood – 2025
1) Varieties Available
Here is what will be available as of March 2025: current variety list.
About 40 varieties are not listed because the trees are too small for scionwood this year. Next year, they should be producing scionwood.
2) Costs
Scionwood is priced
a) $4.50 for regular varieties
b) $5.50 for Red Flesh Varieties
c) $6.50 for Rare Red Flesh Varieties
Let me know if you want a specific NUMBER of scions, and if I can substitute to bring you up to that number if I’m out of your chosen variety.
3) To Order
Email to indicating:
a) Varieties wanted, plus numbers of each wanted
b) Your mailing address and phone number
c) Your phone number
d) Any timing requirement for your order.
Customer pays for shipping via Canada Post.
Please note that I only ship to addresses in Canada.
In the USA, try:
a) Temporate Orchard Conservancy (Oregon) at
b) Derek Mills Hocking Hills Orchard (OHIO) at
4) Description of Apple Varieties Available
Catalogue of Apple Luscious Varieties
Harvest Dates – Zone 8 – Salt Spring Island BC
5) Photos