Organizations I have membership is the following excellent organizations.
NAFEX (North American Fruit Explorers)
Probably the largest organization of 3000 amateur fruit growers
mostly in North America, with members worldwide, this organization has
the following:
Annual NAFEX convention.
Publication: Pomona. (quarterly)
Fruit and Nut Interest Groups.
Scholarships and Awards
Library services
3000 members (with lists available)
Western Cascade Fruit Society WCFS
Spring meeting
Fall fruit show
Field trips
Publication: The Bee Line (quarterly)
Home Orchard Society (HOS)
Publication: Pome News (quarterly),
pruning workshops,
fruit shows,
scion exchanges
farm visits.
Fall Annual Meeting and Potluck
British Columbia Fruit Testers Association — (BCFTA)
Fall Tours
Fruit Tasting Festival
UBC Apple Festival
Can West Mall Fruit Show
Annual General Meeting (Mar. 1, 1997)
Publication: Cider Press (quarterly)
Direct Farm Marketing Association (DFMA) – Victoria Chapter.
This organization is run by the BC Ministry of Agriculture to
promote direct farm sales in the Victoria Area of British Columbia.
Their aim is to assist consumer to connect with BC farmers that grow BC
produce to market more from the farms. They have been very helpful and
work hard for us farmers. The are affiliated with other DFMA groups in
the province and keep connected to other farm groups in the US. For 60
farms, paying about $150 (Can), the DFMA publishes a supplement in the
Victoria Times Colonist with brief descriptions of each farm, a numbered
map of farms to show directions, a listing of produce cross-referenced
to the farms and a listing of local nurseries, made bulk purchases of
produce tents used when selling produce a very professional BC Grown
Produce sign for each farm, put up highway signs directing consumers to
the farms, arranged for seminars ranging from selling, marketing, and
other farmers successes to Internet access. co-ordinate effort of all
marketing groups to help members. co-ordinating efforts to attend the
Farm Direct Marketing Conference, Yakima, Washington, Feb. 28 to Mar. 1,
1997 help members to attend the 1997 North American Direct Farm
Marketing Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which even features a
tour into Mexico. hosting a world conference – the 1998 North American
Direct Farm Marketing Conference in Victoria, BC.
Ian Stewart, Provincial Specialist Direct Farm Marketing
BC Ministry of Agriculture,
Building 20, 8801 E. Saanich Rd.,
Sidney, BC.
250-656-8922 (Fax)

Stopping by the Apple Tree on a Snowy Evening
with apologies to Robert Frost
by Wendy Courtice, RR#1, Winlaw, BC, V0G-2J0
from POMONA, Winter 1998
Whose tree is this, I think I know He buys his fruit at Safeways, though: He wound not mind me stopping here To snip a twig or two in the snow.
My big Suburban must think it queer, To stop without a gas pump near, Between the sawmill and Slocan Lake, The darkest evening of the year,
It gives its old exhaust a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only sound’s the mwowow-eep Of distant chip-truck’s harsh airbrake.
This tree’s so accessible, so tempting to reap, But I already have scionwood by the heap, And piles to refrigerate before I sleep, And piles to refrigerate before I sleep.